Tuesday, December 4, 2007


My computer game is called "space blocks".
To play this game you have to hit the red ball to hit the blocks. Once you hit all the blocks you win the game. There's only one level and one chance so play it properly or you'll loose.

  1. Use the arrow keys to move the bar across the screen
  2. Hit the red ball
  3. Hit all the blocks before the time runs out


  • You have to hit all the blocks before the time runs out
  • Once you hit all the blocks you win the game

Saturday, September 22, 2007


This is what a CPU looks like...

This is a simple picture of a CPU and how it works, the data that needs to be processed goes into the cpu and the processed data goes out, also the instructions has to go inside the CPU to process the data...

PROCESSORS- how do they work????

This is how they work...
The software instrutions that enter through the CPU originate from some form of memory storage device for example; a flpooy disk, a hard disk or a CD-ROM. Then these instructions pass into the computers main RAM (random access memory) , this is where each instruction is given a specific address or a memory location. The CPU can access specific things of data in RAM by spcifying the address of the data it wants.
As the program is executed, the data flow from the RAM through an interface of wires called a bus, this then links the CPU to the RAM. All the data is then decoded by an instruction decoder that explains and carries out software instructions.
Then from there the data passes to the arithmatic and logical unitwich then carries out calcuations and comparisons. The data may be stored by the ALU in temporary memory locations where it could be collected as quickly as possible. The ALU carries out specific operations such as; addition, multiplication, and other conditional tests, sending the resulting data back to the RAM.
During this process, a unit called the program counter keeps track of every successful instruction to make sure that the instuctions are followed by the CPU instructions in the correct order.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


this pisture shows inside of a motherboard and how the memory is transported around the motherboard from the processor...


today is our last day of making our wiki...
I am almost done just need to make a few adjustments and change some things around to make it look better other than that i am done...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


The main function of a processor or CPU is to perform arithmetic and logical operations on the information that is taken from the computers memory or the information that is entered through a device that is attached to the computer, for example, the keyboard, a scanner or a joystick.

I found this information and more on this website...
and I put it onto my wiki...

this information is the function of a processor...


I have found some more information to put on my wiki...
What is the function of a processor??
Well a processor or CPU, is the brains of a whole computer and controls all the calculations of the computing system. It is mainly the most important thing of the computing system...